Lecture Series in Representation Theory
Beijing Institute of Technology (Liangxiang Campus)
Beijing, China
(Arrival on 06/16, Departure on 06/23)
Lecture Series in Representation Theory will be held at Beijing Institute of Technology (Liangxiang Campus, 全球十大网赌正规官网良乡校区,which is located in the Fangshan District in Beijing) during June 17-22, 2024. Representation theory is the study of the basic symmetries of mathematics and physics. The primary goal of the Lecture series is to introduce some of the latest developments and important research topics in this field to graduate students and young scholars.
BTW: During the subsequent week from June 24 to 28, there will be “Conference on Representation Theory, Geometry and Categorification”.
Lecture series and conference program can be find here.
Lecture Series: June 17 to 22, 2024
1. Speaker: Prof. Eric Vasserot, Université Paris Cité
Title: Quiver varieties, Affine quantum groups and cohomological Hall algebras (4 lectures)
Abstract: First, we will review Nakajima's geometric construction of symmetric quantum loop group representations via K-theory and cohomology of quiver varieties. Then, we will explain the relation with cohomological algebras, providing several constructions of the latter. Finally, we will explain a construction of non-symmetric quantum loop group representations via critical K-theory, which generalizes Nakajima's construction.
2. Speaker: Prof. Alistair Savage, University of Ottawa
Title: Heisenberg and Kac-Moody categorification (4 lectures)
Abstract: Heisenberg categories and Kac-Moody 2-categories have proven to be powerful tools in representation theory. We will introduce these diagrammatic categories, including a useful generating function approach to their study. We will then relate these categories to each other, showing how an action of one leads to an action of the other.
3. Speaker: Prof. Alex Weekes, University of Saskatchewan
Title: Affine Grassmannians slices and Coulomb branches
Abstract: Affine Grassmannians play an important role in geometric representation theory, in particular through the celebrated Geometric Satake Correspondence. A more recently introduced topic of study are Coulomb branches, which arise in theoretical physics, and were defined mathematically in groundbreaking work of Braverman, Finkelberg and Nakajima. Their work also established an important link between these two topics: affine Grassmannian slices arise as Coulomb branches for quiver gauge theories. Crucially, this provides a candidate for defining affine Grassmannian slices in Kac-Moody types: as Coulomb branches. In these lectures we will overview the objects mentioned above, and discuss their ties to represention theory.
All participants will be staying in the hotel:
Beijing Northern Spring Conference Center (北方温泉会议中心)
Tel : +86 (0)10-61353521
Address: Meihua Street No. 7, Fangshan District, Beijing, China
Tips: The distance from the hotel to Beijing Institute of Technology (Liangxiang Campus) is around 3 kilometers. Shuttles between the hotel and campus for all participants will be provided.
From the airport to hotel: We would like to recommend you take a taxi. Taxi from Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) / Daxing International Airport (PKK) to Hotel:
1. The distance from Beijing Capital international Airport (PEK) to the hotel is around 70 kilometers. It will take about 1.5-2 hours and cost around RMB 200 in the day time (5:00-23:00) or RMB 240 at night (23:00-5:00) from the Beijing Capital international Airport (PEK) to the hotel.
2. The distance from Daxing International Airport (PKK) to the hotel is around 50 kilometers. It will take about 1-1.5 hours and cost around RMB 130 in the day time (5:00-23:00) or RMB 160 at night (23:00-5:00) from Daxing International Airport (PKK) to the hotel.
From train stations to hotel: There are several train stations in Beijing.You can take a taxi. If you choose to take subway, you may need to make transfer and eventually take the subway Fangshan Line (房山线) to get off at Liangxiang Daxuecheng North (良乡大学城北). It is around 4 kilometers from there to the hotel and we recommend you take a taxi as the public transportation from the subway station to the hotel is inconvenient.
Please either scan the following QR code or send your registration information including name, gender,affiliation, position (faculty or student), phone, email, arrival and departure information to Lei Shi 3120195738@bit.edu.cn.The deadline for registration is 05/31/2024. Due to limited space, we may not be able to accept all the registered participants and we can only provide partial financial support.
Jinkui Wan (+86 13520430658)
Lei Shi (+86 17764576653)
Shixuan Wang (+86 18811539683)
Lan Zhou (+86 18331556251)
Minjia Chen (+18810592737)